Hire me for the best lectures and workshops on living a healthy creative life!

I provide:

Virtual and in-person lectures to quilt guilds and small craft organizations

Virtual and in-person workshops that include crafting 

Inspirational keynote talks for conferences and large events

I offer lectures and workshops for:

  • Quilt guilds, craft conferences, associations, creatives, entrepreneurs, community groups, health care organizations, patient advocacy groups, colleges, non-profits, women’s organizations, adult education organizations, health care professionals, churches and more.
  • Organizations wanting a wellness expert who is dynamic, entertaining, compassionate and creative.
  • Event planners who want a memorable speaker who leaves audiences feeling inspired.
  • Conference organizers who want to make sure attendees are thinking big-picture about their wellness and creative success.

Quilter’s Wellness: Five Threads for Success

When we take good care of ourselves, we’re also taking good care of our quilting practice.

Our wellness is like a tapestry woven of five threads: physical, mental, social, creative and spiritual. When one thread of wellness is weak, our tapestry suffers. When two or more are weak, the tapestry threatens to collapse.

In this workshop, I teach attendees good wellness practices to keep all five threads strong. We cover quilting ergonomics, mindfulness practices, the inner critic, comparisonitis, pacing strategies, nurturing community, finding our sense of purpose, and much more. 

And when we include time for robust Q&A, audiences get so much more out of the experience.

Quilter’s Wellness: Five Threads for Success is available as a keynote presentation or an intimate hands-on workshop.

Participants will learn:

How to understand and practice good quilting ergonomics
Ways to work with mental challenges that threaten their quilting practice
How to grow a supportive creative community
Opportunities to become more creatively courageous
How to get in touch with a deeper sense of purpose in their quilting

"Your Quilter’s Wellness lecture had lots of good info! I also love that you were very clear that it's not one size fits all.

We so often hear "this is what you should do" and that method may not really work for (or be best for) everyone. I think we all need that reminder to take what we are learning and think about how to apply it based on our own circumstances and needs."

Angie W- Quilter

"During the Quilter’s Wellness lecture, Jenni's prompt to ask my guildmates some questions helped me talk to them about more than quilting. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we talked about food and where we like to go to dinner. It was just a great way to start different conversations.

Often as a quilter, I'm tuned in to how my body is feeling when I've had a big day of quilting. Are my shoulders sore? Am I sitting correctly? Jenni's talk pushed me into thinking about the mental health aspects of how I'm talking to myself, how I look at what I've created, and even how often I compare my work to others.

I strongly recommend having Jenni talk to your group or guild. Her program was interactive, gave me plenty of things to look out for while I'm quilting to make sure I stay physically and mentally healthy, and was just fun. "

Maggie H. G. - Quilter

How to Work with What You’ve Got

When we accept the things we can’t change, it frees up energy to get more creative and improvisational. 

As a quilter, I know that working with what I’ve got means I’m never without the supplies I need to make art. And because I’ve lived my life improvisationally, I’m armed with lots of resilience tools and other skills to get through big challenges. And I want to share them with you!

This workshop is an evolution of the acceptance workshop I gave for 10 years through my ChronicBabe chronic illness advocacy work… but with a focus on what acceptance work can do for quilters and other artists.

Participants will learn:

A new, empowering definition of acceptance
How to increase their own resilience skills
Strategies for making friends with challenges
How to spot opportunities to improvise and boost creativity

How to Work with What You’ve Got is available as a keynote presentation or an intimate hands-on workshop. 

The Daily Creative: A Step-by-Step Path to Cultivating Your Creative Habit in 30 Days

Based on my most popular digital course, this workshop is now my most popular lecture, too! 

Whether you’re an experienced creative or a newbie who’s struggling to grow a creative lifestyle, this lecture will boost your day-to-day feeling of creativity in all realms.

Through 30 examples and exercises, attendees will begin to see how making the mundane more creative will expand their creative energy.

Participants will learn:

How to find ways to get creative on even the busiest days
Strategies for getting inspired easily and frequently
How to take lessons from life and incorporate them into art
Ways to grow creative resilience and excitement

The Daily Creative: A Step-by-Step Path to Cultivating Your Creative Habit in 30 Days is available as a keynote presentation or an intimate hands-on workshop. 

Creative Resilience: Craft a Life You Love

What happens when we combine the power of creativity with the work of emotional healing?

We learn faster. We create daily rituals that serve us for life. We foster connections with collaborative partners, and we enjoy ourselves through the process.

And I do mean process: it’s time for us to leave behind the idea that creativity is equal to a finished product. 

In this lecture, I teach attendees to begin to experience creativity as a daily process that can be applied to many areas of their life, which removes the pressure to complete a project. 

Participants will learn:

How to increase their own quality of resilience
How to become more creative in numerous scenarios
How to craft daily creative rituals for themselves

Creative Resilience: Craft a Life You Love is available as a keynote presentation or an intimate hands-on workshop.

Mindfulness in Quilting: Expanding Connectedness in Creativity

You know that feeling when you’re in a state of flow and joy? How your creative work feels more fun, effortless and free?

Good news: You can have MORE of that… once you cultivate more mindfulness in your creative practice.

When we cultivate deeper awareness we enjoy our craft more, honor our body's limitations, and connect with deeper meaning in our creative work. 

In this learning experience, attendees will not only learn what mindfulness is, but they’ll also have opportunities to practice on the spot – so they can implement their learning right away.

Participants will learn:

The basics of day-to-day mindfulness
How to incorporate principles of mindfulness into a creative practice
Ways to get back on track when we fall into the trance of mindlessness
Handy tricks to practice mindfulness in all kinds of settings

Mindfulness in Quilting: Expanding Connectedness in Creativity is available as a keynote presentation or an intimate hands-on workshop.

Why work with me?

Have you ever seen a fat wellness coach? Neither had I… until I looked in the mirror. Most wellness coaches focus on weight loss and nutrition. My approach, on the other hand, is focused on the whole person, and that goes way beyond weight and physical health. My clients also learn how to get healthier mentally, socially, creatively and spiritually. If that includes changing their nutrition plan and losing some weight, I can certainly coach on that – but it won’t be our only focus. Wellness looks different on everybody and on every type of body. 

My speaking style is casual and conversational and I encourage audience participation.  I am a dynamic and unusual speaker who can inspire and entertain audiences. 


  • Virtual and In-Person Lectures start at $400. 
  • Virtual and In-Person Workshops start at $75 per person with a minimum of 12 participants.
  • For in-person lectures, workshops and keynotes, all travel costs, including accommodations, must also be reimbursed in full by the day of the event. 
  • There may be additional supplies costs associated with in-person workshops (especially if crafting is involved).


Jenni speaks like the wise — but super-cool — older sister you always wished you had. Her professionalism and power is matched by her empathy and ability to engage an audience. If you have the chance to bring her to your people, don’t miss it.

Grace Quantock - Counselor and writer 

Jenni has a level of domain expertise, an ability to provide the right message to the right audience in the right way (and spur them on to action), and an uncanny empathy that puts her in a rare category for me: people who “get it”. So much so that I’ve not only had her speak at my own industry events, but have brought her in as a subject matter expert and strategist on client projects. Willing to have hard conversations, always insightful and cogent, she’s a rock solid speaker and one of my favorite people.

Russ Starke - CEO, Think Company

Please fill out this form to request a lecture or workshop:





What speaking/teaching services do you require?*

Quilter’s Wellness: Five Threads for Success
How to Work with What You’ve Got
 The Daily Creative: A Step-by-Step Path to Cultivating Your Creative Habit in 30 Days
Creative Resilience: Craft a Life You Love
Mindfulness in Quilting: Expanding Connectedness in Creativity

What’s the timeframe for your event?*

Anything else I should know before we speak?

Media Kit:

Speaker Flier 

This document is perfect for event planners who need something to show their team. Download my two-page flier for a list of talks, background information, photos and everything else you need to show your leadership why I’m the speaker for you.

Media Kit Images

Photo credit: Alix Kramer

Media Bios

  • 50-word shortie

  • Speaker Intro:

  • Best for Broadcast: 

Jenni Grover is a wellness coach for makers, author, quilter, and lover of rainbows. She cares deeply about the intersection of craft and health, coaching clients’ physical, mental, social, creative and spiritual concerns. Her book ChronicBabe 101: How to Craft an Incredible Life Beyond Illness helps countless folks feel better.

Start feeling better today! Download The Pick 5 Challenge to Boost Wellness now

A kickstart guide with 35 tips for improving your physical, mental, social, creative or spiritual wellness. 

These proven tips are specifically for creative folks and they’re quick, easy and essential to greater wellness. If you’re feeling so-so, this challenge will make you feel OH YEAH!

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